Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Perfect Friend?

Dear my friend,
You have known me in good and bad times,
You have seen me when i was happy and when i'm was sad.

You have lisent to me,
When i said i was intelligent or when i talked nonsence,
You used to be there for me but why now you hurt me?
We had our fun during the days, and forsure we have been misrable before.

You have watched me laugh and cry,
You have understood me when i knew what i was doing and when i made mistakes.
All i wanna do was to say to "Hai" and see how were you doing infront of your colleague,
But instead of making you happy, i was such an embrassement for you,
With that, i apologise sincerly from deep inside my heart.

You've should've told me that i'am an embrassement for you,
Though you have sent your apology and i do accept them sincerly but,
I'am just too hurt by what you did to me.
For the sake of you and your own friends, i'm walking away with a heartbreak.

I would like to say Thank You for believing in me and supporting me back in the days when we were close friends and for always being there to share thoughts together with the one who you embrasses to be friends with.

With Love: Amirul