Majlis balik tujuh hari is a tradition that’s been practised here in Brunei for many-many years now, where the bride have to follow the groom go back home to his home town. The bride’s family are needed to escort the newlyweds travel.
That's the event that me and my mom went for today. We left the house around 9.30am this morning looking sharp, arrived at the bride’s house right on time, which was exactly 10am. Once we get there, a few of my closest family members had arrived much earlier than me. But i don’t care, yg important me and my mom arrived safely. (There is no point in a hurry if end up getting hurt, right?) Once we got inside the house, we were told to have a short meal before leaving to K.B, such a lucky charm eh, cause i was really hungry this morning, i didn’t had my breakfast.. so i just ate the meal. The meal was AWESOME, gila nymana kali ah... but i didn’t eat much, takut ku sakit parut...payah karang plang dalam bus, mana ku mengunjar toilet.
Right after finishing our delighted meal and everybody had arrived, it’s time for us to get going, the bride’s family rent two massive buses to transport all of us to K.B except for the newlyweds, the newlyweds are being transported by their owned car. I sat together with my fello cousins Zulhelmi, Izzah, Atul, Comel, Dillah, together with some of my other relative who i don’t really know their names. Sorry guys but i do admit, the bus ride was fun despite some of us felt a sleep on our way to K.B. I managed to take a few pictures from the event.
We arrived in K.B around 1pm, spent two hours there eating and taking a few pictures with the newlyweds, went back home around 2.30pm. At first most of us thought that we're going straight back home but there's a suprices for us where we had a quick stopped at Kuala Belait main town. We stopped just because we wanted to check out the town and its enviroment. From my point of view, the town is improving but not that improve yet... but i'm sure the goverment is doing all they can to improve the quality of the town. I'm not saying that the town is bad or anything like that, it's just it doesn't exceed some of Bruneian's own expectation since Kuala Belait is Brunei's second CBD but i'am not going to command anything on that.
Right after a quick detour around Kuala Belait town, we went straight back home to B.S.B, we're all were just exhausted where i witness most of us felt a sleep on the our way back home. (including my self). We arrived in B.S.B around 4.30pm, hang out at my cousin's house for a few minutes and left around 5pm. While we're on our way back home, my mom had asked me to make a quick stop at one of her boutique to pick up her "Baju Kurung" for my cousin up coming wedding lagi this coming Sunday. Since, my mom were sooo exhausted, she asked me to buy "Nasi Ayam" from the restaurant near to my house. Right after that, i brought my mom to see my friends Garage Sale, i saw most of my friends there, Wafy, Mas, Sabri, Aju, Sarah, Salwana, Hjh Fiqah, Hj Mazran etc. They're making a lot of money today, bah guys bila kamu belanja aku?
That would be all for today.
P/S: K.B stan for Kuala Belait & B.S.B stan for Bandar Seri Begawan
With Love: Amirul
*our story ...*
* what's yours? *
3 months ago
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