Huh, I was up all night long last night while my friends are enjoying their first night holiday at their home town. I'm stuck in the Hospital. At first I wasn't planing to spent a night at the hospital but due to the lack of MO (Medical Officers) aku dengan bermurah hati volunteer my self as one of the ON CALL MO.
That would make this my first ON CALL experience as an MO. The day began with such an interesting cases coming from the casualty unit. Oh, I've forgot, I was on call in Ward 8, an Orthopedic Ward where it handle more towards bone healing, bone replacement or even bone repair. Although my speciality is more to Cardiology but Orthopedic is one of those course that interest me. If we were given two choices of speciality I would also love to take Orto as one of my speciality but unfortunately I can't. :(
During my shift, I did Encounter Cikgu Hjh Rahimah with Rasidah, they were visiting one of their close relative in our ward. I greeted them and they asked me, "eh, awal jua kau internship, semangat, your intership will be on the 31st March jua" I answered them "no lah, I'm just here visiting a friend of mine (Hiew) also one of my closes relative is in the SICU (Surgical Intensive Care Unit)"but I'm telling them the truth la that I'am staying for both of those reasons plus I can gain much more experience and knowledge during my stay. Am I Right?
So I told my mom that I'll be on call and she Say's "bah bisai-bisai berkeraja, ur dealing with the life and death of a person here, please be careful" a typical with such an understanding mother I have there. I Love You Mom... eheheh :) Alright, right after my mom left, I went straight to work, reading the patient case note one by one through out the night.
One thing really bug me last night, there's this old man who just had his foot amputate due to a gangrin, who just couldn't Stan the pain, kept the nurses busy all the time melayan keranahnya, kept most of the patient awake the entire night, poor them.. I really wish there's something I can do. The Senior Medical Officer (SMO) did instructed the nurses to give him a pain killers to ease the pain but all three of the most powerful painkiller at a minimum dosage doesn't work with this old man. He seems immune, damn, we have given him, Morfin, Petadin & Omerfin, all three doesn't work instead it's making him to yell more and loud.
We just tahan sajalah with all his winding, and asked the other patient to just be patience with all the noises. My on call hours is almost over and I couldn't wait to just go home and went straight to bed. guess That's what I did right after I've gone home this morning and woke up around 4pm.
That's all for today.
With Love : Amirul
*our story ...*
* what's yours? *
4 months ago
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