Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pissed Off

I am so pissed off today, NOT that I don't have enough patient within me but, this has been for quite a while and right now: I'm at the edge of loosing that patient. Yes, I can be patient for one or two of your damn stupid mockery jokes but how long do I have to stay quiet and not say anything? Tell me, you dumb two face dick? - To who may concern.

It is quite unfortunate to know that some of your "OWN" friends are laughing behind you. What's worst if they knew that you "ARE" trying so hard to be successful.  The fact that you believe in your self that you could do better is what keeping you strong and motivated but: to know that they are mocking you behind your back and acted like it's nothing is just too damn disrespectful and I "WON'T" tolerate with it. Enough is enough. 

I tried to hide my feelings towards this but having to face their ugly faces everyday is keeping me down and afraid from saying something to defend my self. But this time, Enough is Enough. I don't care if some of them are smarter than me and underestimate-ing my ability. This does tempt me for wanting to punch them right on their ugly faces but I'm not gonna lay my hands on their disgusting  faces. I am much better than that. Instead, I'm gonna beat them by using my knowledge and skills. 

Alright that would be all for today. I am so pissed that I couldn't even reflect and blog about the things that I did today, working as an intern at the Rimba MCH Centre. 

With Love: Amirul010 


Firdaus Ali said...

There's no need to grudge of something personal. But, it does indeed put someone in higher state of motivation to prove to do better. Most importantly, do it for yourself. If you believe you can reach sky high, go for it. Be surround by people who believe in you. Because by that, you'll know how really appreciated they are to you. Take it from me, negative thoughts does make everyday life frustrating (most of the time) especially someone who always ponder on you low, likely someone who thinks you're a threat(that's a worst case scenario). Yet in little things, it makes us to unveil the inner capability, step by step. Success is bitter but those baby steps leading to it will make you succeed! Have faith and do well because in the end of the day, you'll the sole person who knows what you want. Insya'allah, you'll reach there with patience, perseverance and most vital, embrace every step as its your last moment! Cheers Mate!!

Amirul said...

thanks you bro daus... i really appreciate it.. i will, trust me i will