Sunday, January 25, 2009


Picture Is Taken By Amirul010

Perumahan Kg Rimba, About 2am this morning, a massive amount of water came out of no where, flooding the road and some houses in the area. The picture above is taken during the flood, a view in front of my house. Everybody was already a sleep when this occur, I received a phone call from one of my neighbour informing me that my house had a high chance of getting the flood. Without hesitation I woke my mother up and tell her what is going on.

Once we got downstairs, we began to clearing our staff, putting it all somewhere safe. While I was busy packing our staff in the living room, I noticed my mother was outside, checking on how is the flood outside the house. At first, me and mom thought that the water is going to enter our house within' a couple of minutes but luckily within' 20 minutes, the water starts to shrink back to the main road. You can't imagine how relived I was when I found out. So does my mother I think. But sadly for my neighbour's house, the one who informed me about the flood is the one who suffered from the flood when water entered their house while the chances for my house getting the flood is much more higher than their place.

It all ended sometime around 4.30am, I went back to sleep around 5am this morning and woke up around 9am. As Usual, I began to unpack all the staff I packed during the flood and starts cleaning the living room. I finished around 12 noon. Alright, That would be all for today, I need to catch up with my sleep. My sleeping pattern is really mess up these couple of days due to the chicken pox together with the weather condition.

My advice to you all out there is, you guys need to be 247 alert. Especially these days, where the weather is not so good, and the chances for natural disaster to occur are really high. All the best guys. Have a nice day. Oh yeah, one last thing, My prayers goes out to families who had lost their beloved ones because of the natural disaster happened here in Brunei or where ever you guys are during the last couple of days. Al-Fatihah for the Muslims and May God bless their soul for the non Muslims.

With Love: Amirul010


shmlhzm said...

slau ke jadi macam nie? kesian u la.

Amirul said...

Tak Juga, Dah Sepuluh Tahun I Tinggal kat sini, ni kira kali yg ke 3 lah but thankfully hanya sekali ja the water masuk ke dalam rumah.

shmlhzm said...

so how's thing right now? dah ok?

Amirul said...

Dah, dah okey dah pun, alhamdulilah :)