Tired of the Dark Under Eye Bag Lady Syndrome?
Reduce under eye puffiness and banish that dark under eye bag lady syndrome! It is really quite simple and easy to do.
You’re tired and the puffiness under your eyes continues to swell. The bags become larger and more pronounced with each passing day until you feel like you look like the Queen of Bag Ladies. It’s not necessary to carry around all that unsightly baggage you know. How can you reduce under eye puffiness? In a word, ice. Why do those big, puffy bags under your eyes just keep getting worse? There are a variety of reasons for dark under eye bags but the major reasons include fluid retention, inadequate sleep, allergies, and, of course, heredity. The puffiness is a result of the under eye area becoming a natural collecting spot for fluids that haven’t yet been absorbed into the body. The good news is that under eye puffiness isn’t typically a difficult issue to resolve and is usually just a temporary – although admittedly a rather unattractive problem. There are several skin rejuvenation strategies which will help banish the bag lady look. As a quick fix to help reduce under eye puffiness, wrap an ice cube in a soft cloth and apply to the under eye area for five minutes to reduce the swelling. You should see an immediate improvement.
Better yet, make yourself a nice cup of tea using two good quality green tea bags. Squeeze out the moisture from the tea bags when you are done, place them in the freezer and use these when you need to reduce under eye puffiness. Whether you use one of those chilled gel masks, cucumber slices, or just a cool damp cloth, the key is to reduce the swelling. The general rule of thumb is to keep the ice five minutes on and five minutes off. Afterwards you can also gently tap the surface of the under eye area to stimulate the fluid to disperse. If you have also developed dark circles try using a "super" Vitamin K treatment twice a day for a few weeks and watch those dark under eye circles begin to disappear.
Time to say good bye to the eye bag lady syndrome.
With Love: Amirul010
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4 months ago
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