This is the first time i don't know what to do during my weekend. I seriously don't really know what to do for today other than just sleep... I woke up around 9.30am this morning feeling weak, antah kenapa ia kah.. may be it's because lack of sleep. I slept around 1am last night, right after i finished updating this blog, woke up that early, it's still consider early for a Sunday morning right?
The reason why my mom woke me up that early is because she wanted me to take her to Mulaut to visit our old house, just to see what's going on over there. Currently the house is being rent by this Chinese guy from Miri Sarawak. From what i see, the house is totally changed, it's no longer the way as it was when we left. I mean this house was full, what i mean by full was, banyak wah org tinggal d sana, it's like a huge family living all together but this time it's full with buruh people, sama all this soft of mechine things all over the land.. so samak eh!
Fuh, kaya lah si tokey ani, cause from the answer given to me when i asked the people living there, they have to pay $100 doller to rent a room and pay monthly to this chinese guy, wah.. sambil menyelam minum air engkau yek, nanti engkau.. I did have a serious descission with my mom to raise the rent of the house to a thousand plus for a month due to some major business that his having. Wah, maju ek, business engkau... tapi asyik datang to us nak mintak turunkan sewa rumah, banyak cantik muka engkau..
It was a very hot morning, i mean padas lah kulit ku bepanas ah, i don't think this is normal. I've been living in Brunei since i was born, nda ku pernah terasa this kind of hotness, kepisan eh, put me in this kind of temperature, for sure i'am going to melt like an ice. We left the old house around 10.30 and went straight back home, back to our current house. Once we reached home, i have to take a short a shower again, i was sweating kali ah, i was sweating like a pig there, gila.. bebau lagi.. eah, so disgusting eh. Not an interesting thing to share but biar tia eh, i don't really care no more.
What did i do this afternoon?
I bet that you're going to be suprise on what i did this afternoon, hahah, i just slept the whole afternoon, woke up around 6pm. I recieved a phone call from my fello cousin Si Junita, informing me that she and her mom are going to stop by at house later around 7pm, i said "ok, dtg tah" and they did came right on time, dorg ani andang nya jenis nya right on time, i like this the most about them, nda batah diri menunggu wah jenisnya.. To be honest ah, i don't really like waiting wah.. waiting sucks bah.. ehehe :P don't like me? Get the hell out from my blog then, it's my blog, it's my right. ahhaha :P Mostly the descussion is focusing on my cousin Junita with her regular headec and she asked my mom to bawa her to berubat kampong since the doctors said that "There's nothing wrong with her" i did saw her CT scan filem but there's nothing there, but i'm not sure with an MRI ah cause she haven't done the MRI scan, but hopefuly there's nothing wrong with her. Amin, they left around 8pm tadi, and i went straight back to my room and do as usual, apa lagi mengupdate this blog lah.. eheh :P
With Love: Amirul
*our story ...*
* what's yours? *
4 months ago
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